Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hello, what a nice way to start a momversation...

My name is EJ and I live in the Tampa Bay area. I work 40+ hour a week job (on a middle shift), raise a three year old, love a Man, infrequently pat my dog and occasionally get to enjoy limited interpersonal contact with adults of the same age with the same life issues as I.
There is a bit too much for me to think about on starting my first "real" blog so I'm going to have to do a bit of brainstorming as to which direction I really want this thing to take.
I love to write and tend to be very long winded, so please bear with me.

Possible topics.
1. The kid (my qualification for being a "MOM")
a. my experiences
b. his experiences
c. future

2. My house (where I reside, being that it is on my mind ALL the time, you'll have to hear about it)
a. living in it
b. decorating it
c. living outside of it
d. hating it (every once in a while)

3. My car (because I can, that's why)

4. The Man of the house
a. loving him
b. loving him but whining about it anyway.

5. Pets
a. the dog
b. the cat
c. the rats (yes, I said, "RATS"!)
d. the stuff that lives around me

6. The neighbors (I love living here!)
a. the Hattfields to my Mccoy
b. on either side
c. just down the street

7. The neighborhood (tha HOOD)
a. stuff I see
b. stuff I do

8. The rest of my family (Oh lord, are they gonna hate me!)

9. Things to do
a. around here
b. at home
c. not in my house (if I can help it)

10. ME (yes, every once in a while I get to take time for me)
a. things that I do in my "spare" time
b. things that I want to do in my "spare" time
c. Whatever else comes to mind...

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